Four words of fury

5 o’clock. It’s closing time and hunger is beginning to strike. It’s been a long day and the thought of yesterdays shepards pie when I get home is not an appealing one. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it. I can’t possible survive the 20 minute drive without sustenance; I’ll have to stop. […]

The pressure cooker that lies at the end of every checkout

I’ve sat exams. I’ve had job interviews. I’ve performed on stage in front of hundreds of people. All have an element of pressure; but nothing compares to the sheer unbridled terror of having to pack your bags at a supermarket checkout. What is it about this monotonous of all tasks that causes people to flap […]

Welcome to my world

Hello if you have somehow managed to stumble across me. I’m Jack, I’m a student and when I’m at home I live on a boat; you may refer to me as The Captain. Here, I’m going to post some reviews and columns on a variety of things. I have quite varied interests so there should […]